Confronting COVID 19
COVID-19 is unravelling decades of progress for Women, girls’ and children. Together, we stand with women, girls and children to stop the set-back. The challenges for children, especially girls, range from disruption in education, increased risk of violence and exploitation, reduced access to services and economic impacts for several years to come.
Our crisis response focuses on communicating public health information, installing hygienic hand-washing facilities, distributing personal protective equipment (PPE), whilst ensuring that distant learning is being addressed in rural areas and ensure that children are protected and supported as the COVID-19 crisis unfolds.
The virus exposes extreme inequalities, affecting the most vulnerable people and those living in poverty. It threatens to take many lives and push billions more into poverty. Our grassroots partners are the first responders in their communities. They are going above and beyond their means and limitations to conduct health information campaigns, activate mutual-aid initiatives, and develop plans for a community response. We are also bringing the latest information about COVID prevention and care, as well as monitoring the situation within these communities.
We at Ntengwe are working with village heads, in unison with the child care workers and Environmental Health Technicians and engage parents/caregivers in homesteads. We provide Community Feedback and Complaints Mechanism to enable child protection structures to safely reach children using protective equipment and social distancing hence making sure they follow up on cases of child abuse and channel them for case management.